Daily Maintenance and Inspection Schedule For Surgical Lights

In order to lend a long operating life to a product, it needs to be kept maintained, and that too at fixed intervals. The same goes with surgical lights, as these need to be maintained if you wish for a long operating life for them. However, most users are unaware of the correct ways of maintenance procedure for LED OT lights, hence making their lights prone to damage.

To make sure no user gets their light damaged, we have shared some of the most valuable maintenance tips.

Make sure the surgical lights are working fine with shadows

Shadows are never known to be a good factor when it comes to medical procedures as they result in lowering the experience. However, with time, surgical lights lose their ability to manage shadows and we need to keep a check on the same. As soon as you experience even the slightest issue with the shadowing part, you need to make the necessary changes to correct the issue.

Check the battery system

All surgical lights depend on batteries in order to work continuously for hours, and even a slight error in the battery backup can lead to surgical lights stopping at any moment, thus putting surgery at risk. However, you need to frequently replace the older battery system with new ones to make sure they never stop working in between.

Keep a check on the disinfection handle

Keeping a check on the disinfection handle of surgical lights is crucial. Infection if not taken care of in the surgical hall is known to add to the challenges and it would be best if you keep the spread under control.

Make sure the light is working normally

Light emerges from surgical lights and lowers with time, and you need to keep a check over it. With lighting getting lowered in the surgical hall, it would make it difficult for surgeons to work at their maximized potential.

Final Words

Surgical lights for hospitals only result in adding more to the efficiency of surgeons. However, if you wish for the surgeries to continue working effectively, you are to follow the above-mentioned inspection and maintenance schedule.


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