Different Types of Lights for Hospital and Medical Facilities

In a modern hospital, diverse equipment and modern machines are used for the best treatment. Out of all, lights also play a crucial role in hospitals. The lights used in the hospitals are different from that we use in the homes. These lighting for hospital & medical facilities generate less heat and illuminate differently to spot the surgery area properly.

The lights are known as the helping hand of the doctors that assist during critical surgeries. Despite surgeries, the lights are also used for different purposes. This blog will discuss some of the best lights used in hospitals and medical rooms.

Let’s have a look and read below:

Operation Theatre Lights

OT lights are most commonly used in the operation theatre. It helps to focus on the particular part of the patient. Moreover, it illuminates brighter and doesn't release much heat. This is why hospitals use these lights for surgeries and operation theatre.

The LED bulbs used in the hospitals are 100 LUX that shine brighter and meet the requirements of the hospital staff.

Examination Lights

Examination lights help in diagnosing during an emergency. The light has 1000 LUX power and allows handling situations where mobile examination lamps are required. The lights are also known as mobile lights that are easy to carry and use. The lights can be used for different purposes.

Night Lights

Night lights are necessary out of the operations theatres and rooms because we can't leave the space in darkness. These lights are helpful in the nursing station and other areas. However, the night illumination system must provide enough light to support the night vision.

General Ward Lights

General ward lights are not of high intensity. It should offer 100 LUX illumination. This must be perfect for general wards and bedrooms. The lightning doesn't impact the patient.

Bottom Line

These are some of the best forms of lights you can use in the hospitals and medical facilities rooms. However, the illumination range must be different in different rooms. It depends on the requirement and room condition.


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