
Showing posts from May, 2022

Why are operation theatre lights crucial for hospitals?

Operation Theatre lights are advanced as they not only come with power backups but are also shadowless. Light is an important factor in an operation theatre, and its usage is endless. Surgeries, treatments and all types of diagnoses require lighting, especially for microscopic diagnoses as well. This article will focus on defining surgical lights as well as their importance in a hospital setting. What are surgical lights? Surgical lights are essentially operation theatre lights that are fixed over the ceiling of an operation theatre providing maximum illumination to the doctor over the area of the body.  LED lights are known to provide a maximum amount of light without generating any heat, as the brightness caused by them is between 160,000 to 40,000 lux. Since certain surgeries can take a longer duration to complete, LED lights serve as great solutions as they emit less heat than other lighting and also emit cool light. Not only that, but LED surgical lights are known to reduce power